Apple India sets a benchmark with record rental deal, leases 6,526 sq ft space in Mumbai’s BKC for ₹738 per sq ft
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For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites: Hindustan Times
For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites: Economic Times
For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites: Hindustan Times
For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites: Hindustan Times
For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites: Hindustan Times
For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites: Hindustan Times Economic Times
For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites: Hindustan Times
For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites: Hindustan Times Construction World Financial Express
For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites: Hindustan Times
For more detailed coverage and analysis, you can read related articles on the following websites. Economic Times Hindustan Times